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How innovation champions frame the future: Three visions for digital transformation of construction

In a time of rapid change, construction companies need to innovate to remain competitive. Much construction research has studied the nature of innovation in construction and has regarded innovation as an important component in improving the performance of the construction sector. According to Winch, one of the most consistent findings in such research is that innovation requires champions.

Innovation champions are described in the literature as individuals who are capable of promoting innovation despite opposition and who inspire others with regard to their vision for the future.

Moreover, these champions are willing to take risks and are capable of telling convincing narratives to gain the commitment of others.

The Three Visions for Digital Transformation of Construction

The interview data suggests that innovation champions frame digital transformation through multiple competing visions of the future. Through the synthesis, three visions for digital transformation in construction were identified. Fig. 2 illustrates how the 27 identified future aspects form three clusters representing the visions:

  1. (1) efficient construction,
  2. (2) user-data-driven built environment, and
  3. (3) value-driven computational design.



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Source: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management | Volume 147 Issue 1 – January 2021